1.   Her eyes wandered round the unsavoury room.

2.   It is a ship to let your eyes wander over, from the lovely carpets to the Decorative ceilings.

3.   When she had finished, she allowed her eyes to wander round the area of the altar.

4.   His eyes wandered restlessly around the room.

5.   After a page, his eyes would wander away.

6.   If your eyes should wander from the action on the stage at The Theatre in Chipping Norton, they might fall on an unusual dedication on the walls.

7.   And his confused blue eyes wander when his mother tries to explain the new welfare law.

8.   Eyes wander first to the coastline, a mixture of sand, palm trees and hotels that disappear around the point.

9.   From there, the eye easily wanders to the view beyond of a Muni yard, constant reminder that Slow Club never worried about location, location, location.

10.   He never saw Los Angeles when her eyes wander.

n. + wander >>共 315
mind 9.95%
people 3.75%
eye 3.51%
man 3.51%
child 2.69%
attention 2.46%
woman 2.34%
tourist 2.22%
dog 1.99%
visitor 1.87%
eye + v. >>共 547
be 24.63%
see 3.07%
meet 1.80%
narrow 1.63%
look 1.61%
turn 1.56%
have 1.50%
seem 1.48%
fill 1.48%
widen 1.46%
wander 0.63%
每页显示:    共 30