1.   He let his eyes roam her face, as though he was assessing her worthiness as a repository for his secrets.

2.   He let his eyes roam round his surroundings.

3.   Her eyes roamed the room.

4.   His eyes roamed over the bookshelves.

5.   She let her eyes roam over him freely, and longed for her hands to have the same privilege.

6.   His eyes roamed lazily over her face and she had to steel herself not to look away.

7.   Rory sighed heavily as she let her eyes roam over the sparsely populated dance floor.

8.   Her eyes roamed helplessly upwards, noting the flatness of his stomach, the breadth of his chest and shoulders, the sinewy ripple of long arms.

9.   As involving as the story is, the intricate frame-by-frame animation technique threatens to upstage the narrative as the eye roams over the detail work.

n. + roam >>共 288
dog 3.82%
gang 3.21%
animal 2.45%
man 2.29%
dinosaur 2.14%
child 1.99%
people 1.83%
eye 1.68%
police 1.68%
band 1.53%
eye + v. >>共 547
be 24.63%
see 3.07%
meet 1.80%
narrow 1.63%
look 1.61%
turn 1.56%
have 1.50%
seem 1.48%
fill 1.48%
widen 1.46%
roam 0.23%
每页显示:    共 11