1.   American exporters will benefit from those markets, and American consumers will continue to take advantage of low-cost Chinese products.

2.   Declines may be tempered by expectations exporters will benefit after the dollar rose against the yen Friday.

3.   Exporters benefit from a stronger dollar because much of their revenue is denominated in that currency.

4.   Exporters benefit from a weak currency because their commodities are priced in U.S. dollars.

5.   Exporters benefit from a weaker currency because it makes their products cheaper for overseas buyers.

6.   Exporters benefit from a rising dollar because it lets them lower prices overseas and grow more competitive.

7.   Exporters benefited from buying by domestic pension funds and other institutional investors, said Yasuo Ueki, head of equities operations at Nikko Securities Co.

8.   Exporters benefit from a weak currency.

9.   Exporters benefit from cheaper Canadian products, for example.

10.   Exporters would benefit.

n. + benefit >>共 1097
company 7.65%
stock 3.10%
consumer 2.27%
dollar 2.12%
proceeds 1.71%
market 1.22%
industry 1.15%
bank 1.15%
country 1.09%
people 1.07%
exporter 0.58%
exporter + v. >>共 257
be 10.56%
have 7.66%
lead 4.67%
sell 4.67%
get 4.05%
fall 2.90%
say 2.64%
benefit 2.38%
rise 2.29%
gain 2.20%
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