1.   As a result of the devaluation, its natural gas exports have become even more profitable.

2.   As Asian currencies weaken, their exports become cheaper than those of U.S. producers.

3.   As a result, U.S. exports will become more expensive in Mercosur countries.

4.   As the dollar rises against other currencies, U.S. exports become more expensive.

5.   As their currencies fall, their exports become more competitive than those from Japan.

6.   At the same time, U.S. exports become more expensive.

7.   A stronger yen means that Japanese exports become more expensive, leaving room for Korean exports to outbid their Japanese competitors.

8.   But the recent strength of some European currencies has raised doubts about the sustainability of the rebound, because exports have become more expensive and less competitive abroad.

9.   Exports became a vital, if tenuous, lifeline.

10.   Higher rates should cause the pound to strengthen, and a stronger pound means exports become more expensive overseas.

n. + become >>共 1789
people 1.19%
company 1.07%
issue 0.77%
bill 0.69%
game 0.65%
situation 0.62%
woman 0.61%
life 0.60%
country 0.58%
child 0.56%
export 0.08%
export + v. >>共 270
be 20.82%
rise 4.09%
fall 3.92%
continue 3.86%
resume 3.64%
include 3.53%
increase 2.46%
decline 2.41%
grow 2.13%
become 1.68%
每页显示:    共 30