1.   Her home overlooks the pithead and the haunting winding gear of a colliery where an explosion once killed over thirty miners.

2.   A few days before, on the lease joining where were living, an explosion killed this man.

3.   A natural gas explosion killed two people and injured five in Buffalo, Texas, while workers were doing maintenance on a well owed by the Scottish Oil Co.

4.   A third explosion killed two traffic policemen on a highway in the neighboring Karachayevo-Cherkessia region.

5.   But before it could leave Auckland Harbour, the boat was shamefully blown up by French government agents, the explosion killing a Portuguese photographer, Fernando Pereira.

6.   Explosion kills all four.

7.   Equilon Enterprises, the managing partner, also operates an Anacortes refinery where an explosion in November killed six workers.

8.   On Sunday, an explosion killed five more people at a Russian military base in Vladikavkaz, a regional capital near Chechnya.

9.   That explosion killed a passenger but did not down the plane.

10.   That explosion killed the Palestinian driver, wounded three people and set fire to several vehicles.

n. + kill >>共 1422
police 4.72%
gunman 4.65%
soldier 4.50%
troop 4.12%
rebel 3.83%
force 3.03%
guerrilla 2.38%
militant 2.12%
explosion 1.74%
man 1.67%
explosion + v. >>共 330
be 15.43%
occur 14.18%
rock 8.42%
go 3.67%
rip 3.56%
kill 3.50%
damage 3.34%
come 3.32%
cause 3.14%
take 3.08%
每页显示:    共 158