1.   A small number of in-depth interviews will explore these themes.

2.   Five major themes can be explored.

3.   I will explore this theme in the future.

4.   Part Two of this book explores themes in the study of micropolitics.

5.   This theme will be explored further in the next chapter.

6.   What the book does attempt to do is to provide a framework of problems and ideas, exploring major themes.

7.   Many themes can be explored in this way, like pieces of a jigsaw coming together.

8.   It is the aim of this paper to extend and explore these themes with reference to my particular interest, twentieth century British popular housing design.

9.   And the fusion theme has been explored in new South African movies.

10.   And to some degree, black directors also yearn to explore new themes.

v. + theme >>共 343
have 5.05%
explore 4.15%
echo 4.15%
repeat 3.79%
develop 2.98%
use 2.43%
emphasize 2.07%
continue 1.98%
introduce 1.80%
stress 1.80%
explore + n. >>共 889
possibility 8.99%
way 8.97%
option 6.09%
opportunity 3.25%
issue 2.41%
idea 2.16%
area 1.71%
world 1.34%
alternative 1.34%
avenue 1.27%
theme 1.14%
每页显示:    共 46