1.   Geraldine Breslin and Ann McCombe were standing together, probably still arm in arm, when the bomb exploded, killing them instantly.

2.   Another gang concentrated on the mosque in Haouche Sahraoui, several kilometers away, where a bomb exploded, killing many of the faithful inside.

3.   Iyad Hardan was using a public pay phone in the West Bank town of Jenin when it exploded, killing him instantly.

4.   When a government shell exploded on a busy street, killing his aunt, he decided he had to take up arms to defend his family.

5.   He said several bombs exploded killing seven people, including two villagers who ran toward the bus to help after hearing gun shots.

6.   In another incident, a grenade exploded killing three people in the port of San Jose.

7.   A bus exploded killing and wounding several people in the centre of Tel Aviv on Wednesday, Israel state radio reported.

8.   A bus exploded killing and wounding several people in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, Israel state radio reported.

9.   They said the LTTE fired six mortar bombs at the village of Ottamawadi overnight Monday and three of them exploded killing two Moslems.

10.   Locals from Changgu village in Henan province discovered the plastic piping and were busy taking their own supplies when the fuel exploded, killing five instantly.

v. + kill >>共 164
report 40.85%
use 12.01%
be 9.06%
shoot 4.90%
believe 2.87%
confirm 1.57%
fear 1.48%
will 0.92%
explode 0.92%
crash 0.92%
explode + v. >>共 39
say 28.57%
kill 10.20%
send 6.12%
cause 4.08%
build 4.08%
accord 3.06%
wound 3.06%
injure 3.06%
be 2.04%
damage 2.04%
每页显示:    共 10