1.   Expired drugs can lose their effectiveness, and many relief workers feel that donated drugs should meet the same standards as those used at home.

2.   Normally, a pharmaceutical company must destroy expired drugs in a hazardous waste incinerator, an expensive form of disposal.

3.   They get ahold of expired drugs, soak the bottles in hot water to remove old labels, and attach phony labels bearing a new date.

4.   They get hold of expired drugs, soak the bottles in hot water to remove old labels, and attach phony labels bearing a new date.

5.   Wooden shacks offer a few shelves of expired drugs.

a. + drug >>共 1007
new 8.41%
illegal 5.80%
performance-enhancing 2.14%
generic 1.95%
illicit 1.51%
suspected 1.47%
major 1.39%
international 1.14%
banned 1.10%
intravenous 1.09%
expired 0.03%
expired + n. >>共 77
visa 10.38%
medicine 5.46%
passport 4.92%
agreement 4.37%
contract 4.37%
license 3.83%
registration 3.28%
student 2.73%
plate 2.73%
drug 2.73%
每页显示:    共 5