1.   While nearly everyone has heard of the information superhighway, even experts differ on exactly what the term means and what the future it promises will look like.

2.   At this point, the experts differ.

3.   Aviation experts differed on what precedent the indictments would set.

4.   Africa experts differ about what it really means for the United States to rethink its engagement.

5.   But that was the only real note of optimism, and outside experts differ on whether Thailand is in recovery or simply not getting worse.

6.   Earlier Wednesday two experts differed on whether King poses a continuing threat to society should he be given a life sentence.

7.   Even experts differ.

8.   Even so, experts differ sharply on whether melatonin should be sold like seaweed in health stores.

9.   Experts differ markedly on how to go about it.

10.   Experts differ on the definition of soft money, but the common one includes gifts to the parties and their various units, like House and Senate campaign committees.

n. + differ >>共 756
opinion 3.41%
expert 2.26%
account 2.21%
candidate 1.86%
side 1.65%
view 1.30%
two 1.25%
proposal 1.15%
approach 1.15%
bill 1.05%
expert + v. >>共 358
say 44.77%
be 4.04%
believe 3.76%
agree 3.11%
warn 2.16%
predict 1.71%
expect 1.10%
think 0.98%
suggest 0.97%
see 0.84%
differ 0.20%
每页显示:    共 45