1.   This led to an increase in urban employment opportunities and the expanding workforce gave rise to a greater demand for food.

2.   Unemployment traditionally lags other economic indicators in a recovery and it will take some time before firms feel sure enough of the trend to consider expanding workforces again.

3.   Goldman has been looking for about a year for more space to house its expanding workforce.

4.   The investment bank has been looking for about a year for more space to house its expanding workforce.

a. + workforce >>共 179
skilled 6.23%
federal 5.95%
educated 3.97%
trained 2.83%
bloated 2.27%
local 2.27%
entire 1.98%
large 1.70%
total 1.42%
expanding 1.13%
expanding + n. >>共 487
economy 7.35%
autonomy 6.05%
trade 5.54%
self-rule 5.31%
settlement 3.45%
market 3.34%
population 1.81%
production 1.75%
universe 1.58%
cooperation 1.53%
workforce 0.23%
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