1.   People often get this way before taking stylish vacations in exotic locales.

2.   Another recommended adventure tour operator is Natural Habitat Adventures, which offers guided group excursions to exotic locales such as India, Antarctica and the Azores.

3.   As real explorers and photographers travel to exotic locales, they send back maps, pictures and tons of information to you at home.

4.   Beware of come-ons for jobs in Tahiti or other exotic locales.

5.   Blumenthal and others lead trips into the Amazon rain forest, South Africa and other exotic locales, calling on local healers to share traditional medicine secrets.

6.   A few tour operators have begun organizing trips for single-parent families, offering biking or rafting expeditions to exotic locales like Indonesia.

7.   Along the way, TWA opened outposts in exotic locales throughout Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

8.   But he said most of the weeks are given as awards to high-performing employees, who then trade them for vacations in more exotic locales.

9.   But I do like a good beer and exotic locales.

10.   Given the exotic locales of the most promising, untapped fields, it seems unlikely that exploration will get cheaper.

a. + locale >>共 150
exotic 21.05%
remote 3.95%
distant 3.62%
new 3.29%
far-flung 2.96%
different 2.63%
same 1.97%
offshore 1.64%
perfect 1.32%
exact 0.99%
exotic + n. >>共 636
animal 4.23%
locale 3.34%
bird 3.23%
place 3.13%
plant 2.61%
dancer 2.50%
species 2.14%
pet 1.62%
fruit 1.62%
destination 1.56%
每页显示:    共 64