1.   As state senator, he has supported reducing class size, ending social promotion and requiring a high school exit exam.

2.   Current ninth-graders who volunteered to take the exit exam are scheduled to do so next month.

3.   He won new reading programs for students and training for teachers, exit exams for high school graduates and a plan to reward schools for improved performance.

4.   His group also opposes use of the TAAS as a high school exit exam.

5.   In San Francisco, the exit exam represents a second chance.

6.   Senate is still discussing a requirement for exit exams for graduating seniors.

7.   Since then, the pressure has only mounted, as virtually every state has adopted a more rigorous curriculum, and many have introduced tough exit exams.

8.   Texas students are given several opportunities to pass the exit exam, and those who fail it the first time are given intensive remedial help.

9.   Students must pass an exit exam by the time they graduate to receive a diploma.

10.   The Democratic governor made the exit exam the centerpiece of his school reforms.

n. + exam >>共 173
entrance 21.26%
college 7.66%
eye 5.44%
university 2.84%
polygraph 2.47%
school 2.10%
exit 2.10%
graduation 1.85%
certification 1.73%
citizenship 1.61%
exit + n. >>共 121
strategy 14.73%
visa 10.17%
door 8.74%
ramp 6.91%
polling 6.39%
point 4.17%
route 3.65%
interview 3.65%
permit 3.52%
sign 3.13%
exam 2.22%
每页显示:    共 17