1.   But Washington wants the right to conduct laboratory simulations and very small nonradioactive explosions to test the safety and reliability of existing stockpiles of nuclear weapons.

2.   Experts said the Taliban, which profited from the opium crops, instituted the ban to increase prices so that existing stockpiles would rise in value.

3.   Existing stockpiles will make up for production cuts caused by the hurricane.

4.   India has also publicly acknowledged an existing stockpile, and several additional countries no doubt possess smaller stocks of chemical weapons.

5.   Soyoil futures rallied as some traders anticipated that lower soybean crushings in the weeks and months ahead will reduce vegetable oil production, increasing the value of existing stockpiles.

6.   The treaty would ban the manufacture or sale of chemical weapons and require the destruction of existing stockpiles.

7.   The weapons material that might be burned in Canadian reactors would come from existing stockpiles.

8.   Those cars must be serviced using freon from dwindling existing stockpiles, or from CFCs that are recaptured from air conditioning systems and recycled for re-use.

9.   Although countries agree action is needed, huge differences exist on issues like whether to cover existing stockpiles or just to ban future production.

10.   Although countries agree action is needed, the talks face huge differences on issues like whether to cover existing stockpiles or just ban future production.

a. + stockpile >>共 160
nuclear 12.06%
large 5.74%
copper 5.59%
huge 4.12%
existing 3.24%
coffee 2.94%
rising 2.35%
global 2.35%
growing 2.35%
low 2.21%
existing + n. >>共 898
law 6.21%
one 2.66%
system 2.11%
program 1.56%
shareholder 1.39%
agreement 1.39%
contract 1.25%
rule 1.20%
settlement 1.13%
business 1.06%
stockpile 0.20%
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