1.   An existing statute requires that contractors hire the affected city workers at comparable wages.

2.   But many House and Senate Republicans oppose expanding the law, saying instead that states should receive greater federal assistance in combating and prosecuting crimes under the existing statute.

3.   COMPLAIN TO THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Although there are no federal laws specifically for bulk e-mail, any e-mail that is fraudulent or obscene falls within existing statutes.

4.   For instance, he said, a person applying for a job could be asked if he or she is knowingly violating any existing criminal statute.

5.   If an existing statute requires adoption of a regulation during the next six months, the legislation would extend the deadline until the moratorium ends.

6.   In addition, those mandates that repeal already existing statutes will be exempt, along with those that reapportion costs between government entities.

7.   Last fall the Environmental Protection Agency projected levels of the major poisons under existing statutes.

8.   The bill does not explicitly amend any existing statute.

9.   The court set a deadline for the completion of vote counts that is significantly later than the deadline in existing statutes.

10.   The physicians feared criminal prosecution under existing state criminal statutes, which considered helping someone kill himself to be manslaughter.

a. + statute >>共 221
federal 19.79%
state 11.36%
new 5.48%
criminal 4.68%
similar 2.41%
existing 2.01%
racketeering 1.87%
civil_rights 1.74%
antitrust 1.60%
specific 1.20%
existing + n. >>共 898
law 6.21%
one 2.66%
system 2.11%
program 1.56%
shareholder 1.39%
agreement 1.39%
contract 1.25%
rule 1.20%
settlement 1.13%
business 1.06%
statute 0.14%
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