1.   Still more to the point, were they welcomed by the Melians when they took over the existing settlement at Phylakopi?

2.   The existing settlements systems, which involves banks, custodians, registrars, paper share certificates and so on is expensive by international standards.

3.   Delegates voted in favour of the strengthening of existing settlements on the Golan Heights, although it was also resolved that the future of the Golan was negotiable.

4.   Because by definition it is not related to an existing settlement, it is not in the greenbelt, it must be in the countryside.

5.   Be free standing and well removed from existing settlements, thereby minimizing any adverse impact on existing settlements.

6.   Moving on then to freestanding form which in the expanded form would be, be freestanding and avoid coalescence with existing settlements.

7.   But is it not true Mr that your client rejects the alternative of expansion of existing settlements?

8.   But reject the option of expansion of existing settlements?

9.   At one outpost, however, the settlers are expected simply to move to a new, authorized trailer site on a hill closer to an existing settlement.

10.   A Sharon policy of expanding existing Jewish settlements in the West Bank could put the United States in a particularly difficult spot.

a. + settlement >>共 368
jewish 29.16%
political 5.35%
negotiated 4.79%
new 4.26%
israeli 4.09%
peaceful 3.42%
out-of-court 3.13%
final 3.12%
proposed 2.93%
nearby 1.49%
existing 1.16%
existing + n. >>共 898
law 6.21%
one 2.66%
system 2.11%
program 1.56%
shareholder 1.39%
agreement 1.39%
contract 1.25%
rule 1.20%
settlement 1.13%
business 1.06%
每页显示:    共 121