1.   In the private sector a greater incentive might exist to show a need for higher fees to match high levels of dependency.

2.   Probability graph paper exists to show the extent to which a distribution deviates from the Gaussian shape.

3.   Although there are numerous pictures of Roosevelt standing, only a handful exist showing him in the wheelchair he constantly used.

4.   And no actuarial statistics exist to show that the partners of infected people are more likely to die at a younger age, he added.

5.   A board record now exists to show that it acted responsibly in trying to resolve the differences.

6.   Critics argued that no evidence exists showing that smoke from a neighboring home poses a health risk.

7.   For the same observations that showed that the arcs exist also showed that they are not exactly where they are supposed to be.

8.   No studies exist showing that one method works better than another, said Jane Fernandes, provost of Gallaudet University, a college for the deaf in Washington.

9.   No data exist to show how many injuries could be prevented if cowboys were required to wear helmets or vests.

10.   Plenty of research exists to show that married two-parent families provide the healthiest, safest environments in which to raise children.

v. + show >>共 296
be 10.54%
use 5.57%
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present 1.36%
exist + v. >>共 231
make 3.59%
protect 3.38%
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justify 2.54%
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serve 2.11%
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bring 2.11%
do 1.90%
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