1.   Sociology in the final analysis existed to provide a theoretical basis for socialism and secular education which were its practice.

2.   A need exists to provide pupils with the opportunity to use viewdata systems as part of their general education and to show pupils how use viewdata critically.

3.   The Teenact Theatre Company, based in York, exists to provide opportunities for youngsters in the performing arts.

4.   Above that, the company urges buyers and sellers to use escrow services, fledgling companies that exist to provide security to buyers and sellers alike.

5.   In mainstream journalism, the news article exists to provide information to the reader or viewer.

6.   No authorities exist to provide international control.

7.   No Bulgarian regime is sending men with poisoned umbrellas to London, no East German regime even exists to provide safe houses for Baaders and Meinhofs.

8.   The teams existed to provide publicity for their companies, and at a time when big-league professional basketball was in its infancy, their games drew well.

9.   Oxford exists to provide education.

10.   Journalists are not permitted in the region and no civilian communications exist to provide independent accounts of the action.

v. + provide >>共 335
use 14.06%
set_up 3.66%
work 3.43%
create 2.17%
establish 2.06%
do 1.94%
be 1.71%
will 1.60%
rush 1.60%
arrive 1.37%
exist 1.26%
exist + v. >>共 231
make 3.59%
protect 3.38%
show 3.17%
help 2.96%
justify 2.54%
provide 2.33%
serve 2.11%
support 2.11%
bring 2.11%
do 1.90%
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