1.   A pay-per-view service exists for those who do not have direct access to electronic journal articles via subscriptions.

2.   Ample precedents exist for imposing spectrum use fees and cable franchise taxes for public telecommunications purposes.

3.   As we shall see, such a basis exists for regulating insider dealing.

4.   Because of this Decentralization of services and businesses, few convenient residential areas exist for those who lack transportation.

5.   But a more direct way exists for the Moon to influence fertility.

6.   Dancers say tension between ballroom and line dancers who compete for dance floor space has existed for years.

7.   Descriptive memoirs exist for many of the maps and these can be a fruitful source of information on mineral occurrences.

8.   For the Third World or rather the underdeveloped world these questions have existed for the greater part of this century.

v. + for >>共 935
work 5.21%
use 3.49%
know 3.31%
reach 3.03%
fight 2.21%
qualify 1.86%
be 1.81%
write 1.33%
close 1.07%
treat 1.03%
exist 0.26%
exist + p. >>共 85
in 39.20%
for 13.20%
on 8.36%
between 7.74%
as 4.79%
at 3.40%
before 2.37%
within 1.96%
among 1.86%
with 1.65%
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