1.   Directories exhibit search engine behavior, but in general they are carefully organized by humans into categories and subcategories.

2.   Gay men are less likely to exhibit intolerant behavior, and they have far more friendships among different social groups.

3.   Point out when a TV character exhibits behavior that is not tolerated in your household.

4.   The tiny fruit flies continued to exhibit frantic behavior, a hyperactivity that scientists believe may account for their short life span in space.

5.   They often are highly intelligent, exhibit quirky behavior and become obsessive about one or two topics.

6.   They often respond poorly to counseling, exhibit anti-social behavior and have a high relapse rate.

n. + behavior >>共 271
consumer 7.94%
police 5.05%
fan 3.43%
driver 2.53%
market 1.62%
problem 1.62%
on-court 1.62%
student 1.62%
group 1.44%
investor 1.44%
exhibit 1.08%
exhibit + n. >>共 120
hall 16.79%
space 11.94%
area 5.97%
opening 4.85%
curator 2.99%
room 2.99%
behavior 2.24%
booth 1.87%
symptom 1.49%
photograph 1.12%
每页显示:    共 6