1.   This year saw the introduction of new EEC legislation which effectively requires all petrol cars to be fitted with catalysts to clean up exhaust pollution.

2.   Compared with the first generation Clio, all these engines achieve greater ease of use, improved economy, and reduced emissions of exhaust pollution.

3.   Concrete roads and buildings send temperatures soaring, traffic exhausts cause severe pollution as well as global warming, and human and industrial waste pollutes rivers and water courses.

4.   The metals are used in electronics and catalytic converters, which reduce automobile exhaust pollution.

5.   The specifications by the Environmental Protection Agency are aimed at reducing exhaust pollution from sulfur, benzene and other toxic components in gasoline.

6.   California was the first state to introduce lead-free fuel and mandatory catalytic convertors to reduce exhaust pollution.

n. + pollution >>共 113
air 60.70%
water 10.94%
ozone 3.19%
river 2.16%
oil 1.44%
mercury 1.36%
dioxin 1.36%
sewage 0.96%
groundwater 0.96%
particle 0.72%
exhaust 0.48%
exhaust + n. >>共 78
fume 21.78%
fan 19.91%
system 11.48%
emission 7.73%
gas 7.73%
vent 2.81%
manifold 1.64%
plume 1.41%
pollution 1.41%
tip 1.17%
每页显示:    共 6