1.   Although they had broken no law, they were often treated worse than criminals, who were at least allowed the use of the exercise yard each day.

2.   A third guard escaped into an adjacent exercise yard and scaled the fence.

3.   Each man got a black-and-white TV, two hours in the exercise yard each week, and one shower.

4.   He has been spending most of his time writing her letters and avoiding the exercise yard, where the hot sun tends to burn his pale skin.

5.   Hughes said his jail would add guards and install aluminum safety wires in the exercise yard.

6.   Jones, of Dallas, climbed to the roof of the exercise yard.

7.   On the plus side, with the Yankees you get cooler uniforms with shorter numbers, and a larger exercise yard.

8.   Others bribed the guards and got stoned, smoking marijuana cigarettes in the sun in the exercise yard.

9.   Standing at the far end of the prison exercise yard in a strong wind it was impossible to hear the guard, but clearly he was agitated.

10.   That gives him the upper hand in this thriller, which begins in the exercise yard of a hospital for the criminally insane.

n. + yard >>共 158
prison 11.48%
rail 9.04%
school 8.32%
exercise 4.73%
scrap 4.59%
side 4.59%
salvage 3.59%
railroad 2.58%
junk 2.44%
recreation 2.30%
exercise + n. >>共 267
program 10.98%
bike 5.68%
equipment 5.61%
rider 4.61%
room 4.61%
price 4.07%
class 3.99%
routine 3.69%
machine 3.30%
regimen 3.23%
yard 2.53%
每页显示:    共 33