1.   As a defence, the Council pleaded an exemption clause printed on the back of the ticket.

2.   Dealers may also wish to consider including appropriate and reasonable exemption clauses in their supply contracts with respect to advice-giving computer systems.

3.   An exemption clause is one which excludes or restricts the liability of a party who is in breach of contract.

4.   Exemption clauses can be sub-divided into exclusion clauses and limitation clauses.

5.   Exemption clauses are also controlled by statute.

6.   For the purposes of this chapter such clauses are generally called exemption clauses and references to exclusion of liability include partial exclusion or restriction as well as total exclusion.

7.   The definition of reasonableness applied by the UCTA is the key to understanding its approach to exemption clauses in general.

8.   Whether the customer received an inducement to accept the exemption clause.

9.   Whether the customer could have found another party who would have contracted without the exemption clause.

n. + clause >>共 285
no-trade 16.30%
exclusion 4.55%
arbitration 3.19%
confidentiality 3.10%
buyout 2.73%
opt-out 2.55%
reserve 2.46%
incentive 2.28%
exemption 2.09%
gag 1.82%
exemption + n. >>共 38
clause 28.05%
certificate 6.10%
level 4.88%
request 4.88%
agreement 3.66%
process 3.66%
document 3.66%
issue 2.44%
amount 2.44%
limit 2.44%
每页显示:    共 23