1.   And as evidence that the company is doing nothing wrong, its executives point to the recent dismissal of a lawsuit that accused VeriSign of hoarding expired domain names.

2.   And the executives point out that the record is not so bad in some programming categories.

3.   But industry executives point out that interest from institutions is one engine driving the proliferation of alternative trading systems.

4.   Company executives point out that the industry largely built mobile homes back then, but these days their products are far more advanced.

5.   Community Newspaper Company executives point out that they are not trying to change the character of their local publications.

6.   Fidelity executives point out they run more than three dozen funds that are compensated based on performance, including giants like Magellan and Contrafund.

7.   Fidelity executives point out that they made manager changes where necessary and have limited control over others who quit for new jobs.

8.   Many Internet executives point to the Wall Street Journal as the shining example of what Internet businesses will be like in the future.

9.   One reason, executives point out, is that unnecessary friction hurts earnings.

10.   Southern Union and current Missouri Gas executives point out that such budget negotiations are common in business.

n. + point >>共 1088
transit 6.54%
collection 4.22%
entry 3.88%
bonus 3.48%
reference 2.39%
check 1.97%
border 1.95%
weapon 1.76%
season 1.74%
transshipment 1.62%
executive 0.26%
executive + n. >>共 90
close 43.38%
say 11.40%
point 5.51%
hope 1.84%
report 1.47%
worry 1.47%
access 0.74%
familiar 0.74%
hostage 0.74%
note 0.74%
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