1.   Eighteen years ago, California reinstated capital punishment and with it the long and costly legal process involved in executing a criminal.

2.   In that statement, the pope said that modern penal systems made it unnecessary to protect society by executing dangerous criminals, Misleh said.

3.   On bad, the Taliban took to the field to execute accused criminals.

4.   States that execute their criminals do not generally produce fewer murderers than states that do not, such as Massachusetts.

5.   Texas justice may demonstrate a hardening of the public resolve to execute criminals.

6.   Texas truly loves to execute its criminals.

7.   Television makes it possible to execute a criminal in a setting that is secluded and somber, yet visible to millions.

8.   Under current law, they said, juries can review the specifics of each case and determine whether a criminal should be executed.

9.   When criminals are executed with increasing frequency, the public gradually becomes immune to the shock of killing another human being.

10.   Philippine police have frequently been accused of summarily executing suspected criminals.

v. + criminal >>共 273
catch 5.44%
execute 4.44%
deter 3.67%
keep 2.89%
punish 2.56%
put 2.44%
arrest 2.33%
release 2.00%
bring 2.00%
track 2.00%
execute + n. >>共 441
people 9.85%
man 8.43%
trade 4.95%
prisoner 3.33%
hostage 2.40%
order 2.25%
plan 2.25%
criminal 1.96%
inmate 1.42%
killer 1.37%
每页显示:    共 40