1.   At that time women were excluded from the political life of the country.

2.   Its use of active procedures tends to exclude women, for instance.

3.   More social history is being taught but examination syllabuses still focus on political and economic history which conventionally excludes women.

4.   The great Social-Contract theorists of the Enlightenment therefore explicitly excluded women from their systems.

5.   The strategy of continuing to exclude women from the union did not prevent their recruitment in ever greater numbers by the employers.

6.   There are many ways of excluding women.

7.   These precedents encouraged lawyers to talk of the immemorial law of the Salian Franks under which women were excluded from the succession.

8.   Thus the presence of dependants is used as a means of excluding women from benefits.

9.   We excluded women with hypothyroidism and with hyperprolactinaemia related to drug treatment.

10.   Women are excluded very subtly, said Dawn Fisher, project manager for the Catalyst survey.

v. + woman >>共 742
kill 5.19%
include 4.20%
rape 2.70%
see 1.95%
injure 1.72%
take 1.50%
treat 1.44%
marry 1.38%
help 1.28%
arrest 1.27%
exclude 0.57%
exclude + n. >>共 803
possibility 3.86%
woman 3.33%
people 2.28%
item 1.76%
cost 1.67%
charge 1.45%
company 1.40%
black 1.27%
sale 1.27%
liability 1.27%
每页显示:    共 76