1.   Drain off any excess marinade and use it as a base for a pouring sauce.

2.   Before cooking, be sure to scrape off excess marinade and discard.

3.   Brush off excess marinade from steaks before putting them on the grill.

4.   Remove the grouper, draining any excess marinade.

5.   Remove turkey from marinade and scrape off any excess marinade.

6.   Shake off excess marinade from chicken.

7.   Strip and blot the excess marinade from the split breasts.

a. + marinade >>共 73
remaining 18.00%
reserved 12.67%
excess 4.67%
leftover 3.33%
hot 2.67%
liquid 2.67%
chicken 2.67%
quick 2.00%
spicy 2.00%
additional 1.33%
excess + n. >>共 546
capacity 7.96%
inventory 7.92%
fat 4.78%
water 4.28%
supply 3.37%
moisture 2.37%
weight 2.22%
liquid 2.10%
cash 1.87%
production 1.61%
marinade 0.27%
每页显示:    共 7