1.   Any excess liquid is squeezed out of the mixture.

2.   Blot excess surface liquid.

3.   A handful at a time, squeeze cucumber well to remove excess liquid, then stir cucumber into yogurt.

4.   Add the fish sauce and stir-fry briefly to blend the seasonings and to evaporate any excess liquid.

5.   Add green onions, radishes and tomatoes and squeeze gently to remove excess liquid.

6.   Add the tofu mixture and stir briskly until the greens are coated with seasonings and the excess liquid has evaporated.

7.   But the instructions should have specified putting the spinach mixture in a strainer first to drain off excess liquid.

8.   Cut the tomatoes in half width-wise, then scoop out the seeds with your fingers, gently squeezing to get rid of any excess liquid.

9.   Discard the excess liquid.

10.   Drain the excess liquid into a skillet.

a. + liquid >>共 322
flammable 11.62%
cooking 10.44%
excess 4.63%
clear 3.20%
hot 3.03%
soaking 2.44%
reserved 1.85%
remaining 1.77%
red 1.60%
braising 1.52%
excess + n. >>共 546
capacity 7.96%
inventory 7.92%
fat 4.78%
water 4.28%
supply 3.37%
moisture 2.37%
weight 2.22%
liquid 2.10%
cash 1.87%
production 1.61%
每页显示:    共 55