1.   A small craft advisory may be issued tonight...In the meantime mariners should excercise caution while navigating over the Atlantic waters.

2.   Coastal seas continue choppy across the Caribbean...Thus mariners should still excercise caution while navigating in those waters.

3.   Mariners should excercise caution while navigating these waters.

4.   Nonetheless, small craft operators should excercise caution when venturing out today and monday.

5.   Small craft should excercise caution across near shore waters.

6.   Some waterspouts may be hidden in heavy rainshowers, so pilots and mariners are advised to monitor weather conditions closely and excercise extreme caution when venturing out today.

n. + caution >>共 75
investor 11.62%
expert 7.58%
afternoon 5.05%
analyst 5.05%
consumer 4.55%
exercise 4.04%
craft 3.54%
official 3.03%
market 3.03%
excercise 3.03%
excercise + n. >>共 9
caution 42.86%
bike 7.14%
codenamed 7.14%
discipline 7.14%
leadership 7.14%
power 7.14%
price 7.14%
restraint 7.14%
water 7.14%
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