1.   I will only say that proceedings should be brought before the court by way of appeal in contempt matters only in exceptional cases.

2.   In exceptional cases proceedings were noted by hand and recorded verbally by the researcher upon return to base.

3.   Save for the exceptional case of Mental Health Review Tribunals, legal aid does not cover representation before tribunals of first instance.

4.   Then we shall analyse the reasons the three most exceptional cases obtained so much coverage and the implications of this.

5.   However, this is the exceptional case.

6.   Nigeria is by no means an exceptional case though, like any country, it has its own peculiarities.

7.   In all but exceptional cases, wounding will involve a battery.

8.   In exceptional cases the courts may take the view that established practice is unsatisfactory and find negligence.

9.   Records of Achievement will not be issued for success in areas of study being taken as part of the certificate programme except in exceptional cases.

a. + case >>共 931
criminal 5.34%
first 3.40%
new 2.75%
similar 2.60%
the 2.49%
civil 2.00%
recent 1.94%
antitrust 1.66%
extreme 1.54%
such 1.47%
exceptional 0.27%
exceptional + n. >>共 554
circumstance 7.27%
case 3.94%
talent 2.50%
item 2.12%
ability 1.44%
performance 1.36%
skill 1.21%
job 1.14%
speed 1.06%
quality 0.98%
每页显示:    共 52