1.   According to Greek law, it is illegal to own, buy, sell or excavate antiquities without a special permit.

2.   Under Greek law, it is illegal to own, buy, sell or excavate antiquities without a special permit, which is rarely granted.

3.   Under Greek law, it is illegal to buy, sell, own or excavate antiquities without a special permit.

4.   Under strict Greek antiquity protection laws, it is illegal to own, buy, sell or excavate antiquities without a special permit.

5.   Under Greek law, it is illegal to buy, sell, own or excavate any antiquities without a special license.

v. + antiquity >>共 49
sell 8.24%
smuggle 7.06%
excavate 5.88%
return 4.71%
protect 4.71%
tour 3.53%
damage 3.53%
preserve 3.53%
prevent 2.35%
have 2.35%
excavate + n. >>共 112
site 22.75%
area 3.43%
remains 3.43%
grave 3.00%
antiquity 2.15%
hole 2.15%
foundation 2.15%
body 1.72%
crater 1.72%
ground 1.72%
每页显示:    共 5