1.   A closer examination suggests that some of the claims are overstated.

2.   But closer examination suggests his idea of socialism is simply a rather fuzzy sense of community, not the traditional sense of common ownership.

3.   But preliminary examination suggests the oil did not mix far down into the water.

4.   Closer examination suggests that the discrepancy may be due to the different wording of the questions.

5.   The original autopsy concluded death by strangulation, while a second examination suggested True died from a severe blow to the head.

6.   A preliminary examination suggested the crash may have been caused by a bird being sucked into the jet engine, the spokesman said.

7.   The engine of a helicopter that crashed in the Grand Canyon, killing six people, may have malfunctioned, a preliminary examination suggests.

8.   Preliminary examinations suggest they were all civilians shot as they were lined up by the side of the road last year, team leader William Haglund said Friday.

9.   Preliminary examinations suggested they were all civilians shot as they were lined up by the side of the road last year, Haglund said Friday.

10.   Prelimnary examinations suggested they were all civilians shot as they were lined up by the side of the road last year, Haglund said Friday.

n. + suggest >>共 931
report 7.64%
study 5.15%
official 4.73%
evidence 3.27%
poll 3.07%
analyst 2.70%
research 2.16%
expert 1.39%
datum 1.22%
finding 1.22%
examination 0.06%
examination + v. >>共 99
be 20.36%
show 17.12%
reveal 14.59%
find 6.85%
take 2.88%
confirm 2.70%
indicate 2.34%
determine 1.80%
suggest 1.80%
turn 1.08%
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