1.   Forced to run laps around the mouse pad or crawl with exacting precision on an Excel spreadsheet.

2.   The bustling middle section of the third movement has never been performed with more exacting precision and drive.

3.   There are crisper handling automobiles, cars that cut a corner with exacting precision at speed.

4.   Words spill out effortlessly, the familiar word used in an interesting way, the unfamiliar word used with an exacting precision.

a. + precision >>共 225
military 10.44%
surgical 6.02%
greater 5.82%
great 4.62%
mathematical 2.01%
absolute 1.81%
high 1.61%
pinpoint 1.61%
scientific 1.41%
same 1.41%
exacting 0.80%
exacting + n. >>共 102
standard 18.56%
revenge 11.86%
detail 2.58%
retribution 2.58%
precision 2.06%
specification 2.06%
work 2.06%
demand 1.55%
process 1.55%
way 1.55%
每页显示:    共 4