1.   New methods are constantly evolving to meet the needs of businesses, developers, investors, construction companies, government organizations and other project sponsors.

2.   The existing programmes will not stand still, set in tablets of stone, but will need to improve continuously and evolve to meet business needs.

3.   Bauer argues that snowboarding should remain flexible because the sport is still evolving to meet the carefree attitudes of its participants.

4.   All the major companies have evolved to meet changing needs.

5.   But HMOs evolved to meet the needs of healthy people, and few have a track record with AIDS and other serious chronic conditions.

6.   Not surprisingly, contemporary rituals have evolved to meet contemporary needs.

7.   The Constitution itself is a flexible document, evolving to meet the changing demands of society even as it safeguards fundamental democratic standards.

v. + meet >>共 294
rush 5.00%
use 3.72%
travel 2.95%
seed 2.82%
rise 2.44%
work 2.31%
expand 2.18%
tailor 2.05%
spend 1.92%
will 1.79%
evolve 0.90%
evolve + v. >>共 70
be 6.62%
help 6.62%
include 5.88%
meet 5.15%
become 4.41%
attract 2.94%
take 2.94%
accommodate 2.21%
have 2.21%
deal 2.21%
每页显示:    共 7