1.   Ahab feels then that he must destroy these evil forces in order to survive as a free man.

2.   Are they evil, or does an evil force temporarily inhabit their soul?

3.   He was just temporarily subjugated by an evil force.

4.   KineHUHre is used as a verbal device similar to knocking on wood to ward off evil forces.

5.   Yet the artists engaged in these works were in no mood to present the barbarians as the incarnation of evil forces.

6.   Religion also furnishes many inspiring examples as well as yardsticks to chart progress and guard against the hijacking of high intentions by evil forces, however these are understood.

7.   And yet what weapons will this ferocious prophet of the eco-underground take up against the irredeemably evil forces of global capitalism?

8.   But McClellan countered by asking if those same evil forces had also told him to rape his dead or dying victims or steal valuables from their homes.

9.   But other evil forces are at work.

10.   But the evil force that has killed and absorbed the bodies and minds of the residents turns out to have an outsize ego.

a. + force >>共 666
peacekeeping 7.32%
israeli 6.17%
serb 5.98%
russian 5.58%
military 4.81%
international 3.30%
multinational 2.62%
driving 1.82%
american 1.71%
political 1.40%
evil 0.12%
evil + n. >>共 424
spirit 15.60%
force 3.81%
empire 3.03%
man 2.86%
deed 2.60%
twin 2.43%
people 1.82%
genius 1.47%
intent 1.30%
one 1.21%
每页显示:    共 44