1.   Just the thing to bring down the evil empire.

2.   Are there really any good guys and bad guys or evil empires?

3.   Because America needs an enemy, a propaganda campaign begins to make Canada the new evil empire.

4.   Clearly, Howe was depicting the Yankees as an evil empire.

5.   Did I actually have to understand what all those words scrolling into the cosmos about rebel forces and evil empires meant?

6.   Do you believe that Starbucks and The Gap are evil empires?

7.   During those four years, Gov. Weldfare has frothed so rabidly about the evil empire of the poor that you cannot tell an aid recipient from O.J.

8.   Even the Darth Vader of the evil empire is beloved in his hometown.

9.   For a boy whose enemy is the sun, Arizona would seem the evil empire.

10.   Given that he obviously considered America the evil empire, why did he so desperately want to go there?

a. + empire >>共 304
soviet 12.95%
vast 4.02%
financial 3.92%
evil 3.51%
former 3.41%
publishing 2.41%
russian 2.21%
colonial 2.01%
new 1.81%
great 1.71%
evil + n. >>共 424
spirit 15.60%
force 3.81%
empire 3.03%
man 2.86%
deed 2.60%
twin 2.43%
people 1.82%
genius 1.47%
intent 1.30%
one 1.21%
每页显示:    共 35