1.   In the evidence before us the appellants have emphasised that throughout they had no intention to flout the authority of the court.

2.   The court will require clear, cogent evidence before its Decision can be changed.

3.   The evidence before our eyes is her faultless attention to detail in these exquisite flower Decorations.

4.   They do not have and can not have all the possibly relevant materials and evidence before them.

5.   We need irrefutable evidence before making an arrest.

6.   They have already given evidence before a grand jury in Washington.

7.   There the evidence before him merely disclosed that the defendants whilst being employed by the plaintiffs simply made plans or preparations for their future post termination activities.

8.   I pause to state that I accept Mr submission that no claim for loss of pension has been made out on the evidence before me.

9.   On evidence before me I find that the plaintiff will require regular physiotherapy, speech therapy and hydrotherapy throughout her life.

10.   But councillors agreed to call on expert medical evidence before approving future licences.

n. + before >>共 1532
day 2.33%
time 2.18%
week 1.47%
hour 1.46%
year 1.37%
month 0.97%
game 0.89%
case 0.88%
hearing 0.83%
appearance 0.63%
evidence 0.12%
evidence + p. >>共 79
against 27.64%
in 21.00%
from 12.76%
to 7.27%
on 7.14%
at 4.66%
about 4.42%
as 2.20%
by 1.74%
before 1.47%
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