1.   For him this was as much a part of everyday routine as surgery and many children had been greatly helped by him when afraid or emotionally disturbed.

2.   During this season many individuals take time from their everyday routines to assess the direction of their lives and give thanks.

3.   Joe told some of those close to him that he had tired of the everyday routine.

4.   Most working professionals turn on computers and check e-mail and voice mail as a matter of everyday routine.

5.   Or should they ignore the whole situation, insist that life goes on and remind people of their everyday routines and romances?

6.   Ordinary people on both sides went about their everyday routines on Thursday, yet braced for more attacks and counter-attacks.

7.   Reading those lines stirred in Ms. Hardyment a Toadlike urge to fling off the shackles of everyday routine.

8.   The best workplaces make learning and experimentation part of the everyday routine.

9.   There is nothing more romantic than escaping the monotony of everyday routines and sharing sweet moments with a loved one in the company of Mother Nature, reports GORP.com.

10.   To help cut that tension, Sorvino is trying to avoid letting her success impinge too much on her everyday routines.

a. + routine >>共 510
daily 20.59%
normal 6.95%
new 3.75%
same 3.00%
regular 1.94%
training 1.81%
old 1.81%
usual 1.81%
stand-up 1.56%
familiar 1.13%
everyday 0.75%
everyday + n. >>共 536
life 29.31%
player 3.32%
people 2.39%
use 2.19%
object 1.82%
activity 1.74%
world 1.54%
thing 1.46%
occurrence 1.34%
reality 1.30%
routine 0.49%
每页显示:    共 12