1.   Alsace is becoming established as a reliable, perhaps even the most reliable, wine bar white available.

2.   Brazilian dancers, even the most avant-garde, are very tied to their roots, to nature, to the sea, to the northeastern outback.

3.   After eight interest-rate cuts so far this year, that truth should be clear to even the most sheltered investor.

4.   Every nation, even the most minuscule, in the world has the authority to issue Internet domains that end in a country code.

5.   In one killing guaranteed to shock even the most cynical, Gilbert had a single patient on her ward one night.

6.   Maintained by Columbia University, this clean, smooth, easy-to-navigate site explains the English language clearly to even the most linguistically challenged.

7.   Nevertheless, even the most casual, disinterested observer would have to admit that the U of M makes WVU look like a convention of virgin teetotalers by comparison.

8.   Not even most of it, in fact.

9.   The gold bugs got a good deal more than even the most optimistic had bargained for.

10.   Virtually every author, even the most insignificant, is given critical attention.

v. + most >>共 694
spend 15.56%
make 6.80%
do 3.94%
get 3.34%
have 2.38%
suffer 2.30%
benefit 2.22%
matter 2.19%
control 1.97%
take 1.62%
even 0.08%
even + n. >>共 905
score 6.55%
match 3.93%
par 2.42%
series 1.64%
thing 0.79%
most 0.72%
people 0.65%
death 0.59%
year 0.59%
game 0.59%
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