1.   I mean then yes you can buy a smaller even more so then.

2.   But Hamilton, who is more athletic than Nelson, may have contested the shot even more, forcing Taylor to alter his shot.

3.   But on some level this was an even more cowardly, more nefarious assault.

4.   But it raises another, even more unanswerable.

5.   The CIA just warned the White House China will accelerate its missile-building even more if we break the ABM Treaty.

6.   The debate has placed the already suffering Conservative Party even more on the defensive.

7.   Watching such a young, promising life fade away has made the grieving even more trying.

8.   What might have captured the bond between the two even more that day was the fact that Tiger Woods never considered withdrawing from the tournament.

a. + more >>共 367
far 14.68%
little 11.93%
them 2.88%
net 1.57%
gold 1.44%
health_care 1.31%
even 1.05%
military 0.92%
a 0.92%
known 0.92%
even + n. >>共 679
keel 8.46%
layer 2.48%
chance 2.02%
have 1.24%
distribution 1.16%
worse 1.16%
year 1.16%
match 0.93%
if 0.85%
death 0.85%
more 0.62%
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