1.   But can McCarthy really hope to compete with returning major-leaguers on an even footing, especially with the resentment his exhibition replacement status would likely create?

2.   Outstanding reforms include an overhaul of labor laws to reduce manpower costs, helping provincial governments place their finances on an even footing and making public administration more efficient.

3.   Putting the U.S on an even footing with other nations in trade talks is key for insurers who say they want to expand their international business, said Greenberg.

4.   Remaining on an even footing with Williams amounts to the Superbowl of contests for a comic actor, and Grant handily meets this challenge.

5.   The correspondents then found themselves on a more even footing and with no shortage of gossip or favors or business matters to share.

6.   The push toward a unified Europe, though painful, could well result in bigger, stronger companies that can compete on a more even footing with US firms.

7.   Practical Guidelines for Employers on Eliminating Age Discrimination in Employment were issued on Monday to help put older job applicants on an even footing with their juniors.

8.   He said Israel is asking its largest trading partner to allow it to compete on a more even footing in selling products such as Israeli oranges.

9.   European and Russian opposition and the cost of putting the Bosnian-Croat federation force on an even footing with Bosnian Serb forces also are obstacles.

10.   We are starting off on an even footing.

a. + footing >>共 119
equal 26.27%
financial 10.53%
solid 7.15%
sound 5.98%
firm 5.98%
same 4.03%
firmer 2.60%
legal 2.34%
better 1.69%
stronger 1.56%
even 1.30%
even + n. >>共 679
keel 8.46%
layer 2.48%
chance 2.02%
have 1.24%
distribution 1.16%
worse 1.16%
year 1.16%
match 0.93%
if 0.85%
death 0.85%
footing 0.78%
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