1.   As well as the morphology, the histochemistry of the preparations was evaluated using fluorescein-conjugated antibodies.

2.   The scheme was evaluated using a matched control sample of cases from adjacent areas.

3.   For example, railway investments are not evaluated using the same cost-benefit techniques that are used in road planning, despite recommendations that this should be done.

4.   Its merits as a headache cure are to be evaluated using the patients in two general practices.

5.   Each potential trade-in is evaluated using a computer print-out price from a special Kelly Blue Book service, so there is no dickering there, either.

6.   Patients were evaluated using numerous measures of pain, including their discomfort when walking and climbing stairs.

v. + use >>共 672
make 4.49%
be 4.10%
put 2.52%
opt 2.37%
do 2.27%
create 2.07%
produce 1.58%
calculate 1.48%
develop 1.43%
build 1.38%
evaluate 0.30%
evaluate + v. >>共 20
determine 23.64%
accord 14.55%
base 12.73%
use 10.91%
see 9.09%
be 3.64%
buy 1.82%
develop 1.82%
do 1.82%
ensure 1.82%
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