1.   And European automakers have done better in Japan than Americans, primarily because they ship luxury models to buyers who are relatively unconcerned about price.

2.   And even if the hues remain vibrant, will Michelin ever be able to match the myriad shades of mauve, eggplant or fuchsia of some European automakers?

3.   Another is that if a settlement is reached, it will be one primarily involving the United States and Japan, effectively excluding European automakers.

4.   As a result, the likely buyers of Japanese luxury cars are already turning to reinvigorated European automakers in a slow migration that could become a stampede.

5.   Auto analysts say most of that growth will come at the expense of European automakers such as Renault and Volkswagen AG.

6.   But some European automakers also include other characters that reveal even more information, usually about the engine.

7.   Chief Executive Ferdinand Piech said then that the company is cautious about how the year will develop, because of overcapacity among European automakers and pressure to lower prices.

8.   European automakers facing lower car sales this year with weaker economic growth in France and Germany said a single currency would help boost business.

9.   European automakers also have seen sales grow.

10.   European automakers are not immune.

a. + automaker >>共 168
japanese 29.10%
foreign 7.64%
german 6.37%
major 6.31%
american 3.91%
the 2.89%
domestic 2.47%
french 1.92%
european 1.80%
korean 1.74%
european + n. >>共 813
country 9.46%
currency 5.89%
market 3.62%
nation 2.94%
leader 2.24%
company 1.92%
government 1.63%
tour 1.51%
ally 1.51%
official 1.37%
automaker 0.09%
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