1.   All euro coins and notes will be accepted in all euro countries.

2.   But there will be no foldable euro notes or spinnable euro coins.

3.   De Silguy set the same deadline for governments to design the national faces of the euro coins, something only France and Germany have done so far.

4.   European banks will start selling euro coins for the very first time on Friday, but many fear they will not be able to keep up with demand.

5.   Elsewhere around Europe, the roll-out of euro coins and bills proceeded without any major problems.

6.   Every euro coin will carry a common European design on one side, and a motif from one of the member countries on the other.

7.   For one, few euro coins are available to vending machine manufacturers.

8.   In the next three years, companies that operate vending machines will have to spend heavily to rejigger them to accept euro coins.

9.   National Rejectors has already sent specialists to mints in France, Germany and Belgium to test equipment on the new euro coins.

10.   On a separate issue, Zalm said the ministers reached no consensus on the shape of the euro coins or the metals to be used to mint them.

n. + coin >>共 74
euro 41.77%
dollar 21.29%
one-sen 2.81%
bullion 1.61%
denomination 1.20%
aluminum 0.80%
lira 0.80%
eagle 0.80%
cent 0.80%
one-dollar 0.80%
euro + n. >>共 203
zone 16.48%
coin 9.68%
note 8.85%
currency 7.54%
cash 5.21%
banknote 3.54%
changeover 2.89%
launch 2.79%
country 2.51%
area 1.96%
每页显示:    共 103