1.   A deeper problem is that the ethics panel is a committee, not a committee.

2.   The root of this failure lies in the nature of the ethics panel itself.

3.   The speaker in December admitted to having provided inaccurate information to the ethics panel.

4.   And at least one witness before the ethics panel said questioning by members was partisan at times.

5.   An independent ethics advisory panel has been formed, to be chaired by former SMU law school dean Paul Roger.

6.   And other rule benders have been accused of less serious offenses than some IOC who were let off the hook earlier by the ethics panel.

7.   Armey said Thursday he would not seek to remove the four members serving on an investigative subcommittee of the ethics panel.

8.   At the conclusion of the public meetings, the ethics panel is scheduled to reconvene in private for two days to debate what sanction to recommend against the speaker.

9.   A second letter from the ethics panel prompted Gingrich to agree to pay for the tour of his own pocket.

10.   A state ethics panel, working with information from the governor, concurred and gave its blessing.

n. + panel >>共 552
three-judge 12.86%
arbitration 7.41%
appeal 6.13%
government 5.17%
ethic 4.11%
control 3.69%
review 3.46%
three-member 2.57%
court 1.92%
dispute 1.79%
ethic + n. >>共 177
committee 24.11%
panel 8.32%
rule 7.47%
commission 4.79%
investigation 4.05%
law 3.95%
complaint 3.89%
violation 3.42%
charge 2.79%
code 2.37%
每页显示:    共 157