1.   Indians are also estimated to own nearly half the roadside hotels and motels in the state.

2.   The impact was most obvious in Shanghai, a city of nine million people where nearly one million people are estimated to own stock.

3.   The loyalists are estimated to own a few hundred handguns and rifles, many smuggled from South Africa, but have little bomb-making ability.

4.   The Italian state is estimated to own two trillion euros worth of property.

v. + own >>共 55
be 28.07%
license 6.14%
include 5.26%
say 4.39%
estimate 3.51%
confiscate 2.63%
kill 2.63%
burn 1.75%
cost 1.75%
land 1.75%
estimate + v. >>共 48
be 45.34%
cost 10.59%
have 5.51%
live 4.66%
use 3.39%
take 2.97%
number 2.54%
contain 1.69%
account 1.69%
own 1.69%
每页显示:    共 4