1.   An established team work in partnership with clients developing innovative programmes which add to the human resource and organisation capability.

2.   For newcomers, the Jordan team has already really caught the eye, and remarkably all the established teams are a little bit frightened of them.

3.   An increasing number of experienced players will not find jobs with established teams and will look for employment where it is available.

4.   Again, the city would much prefer an established team to an expansion team.

5.   But it would be at least a year before even an established team could be moved into the Los Angeles market.

6.   But remember, the league would take a big financial hit in the form of a lost expansion fee if it allowed an established team to move.

7.   But their first big moment in the spotlight could be stolen by established teams ready to make big trades.

8.   Durslag believes that most Southern California fans eventually will warm to having the Seahawks, because getting an established team is better than getting an expansion team.

9.   Even the more established MLS teams would be helped significantly with Zenga in goal.

10.   If what he says is the consensus, the NFL will not create expansion franchises to fill holes every time an established team jumps to another city.

a. + team >>共 797
national 5.91%
special 3.52%
the 3.23%
new 2.40%
olympic 2.29%
top 2.25%
home 2.01%
first 1.90%
good 1.88%
best 1.87%
established 0.05%
established + n. >>共 773
company 6.20%
player 2.57%
star 1.56%
party 1.52%
order 1.40%
brand 1.36%
business 1.33%
practice 1.21%
procedure 1.21%
firm 1.01%
team 0.82%
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