1.   A NAFTA Trade Commission, taking precedence over the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade dispute settlement mechanism, would be established to handle disputes in the first instance.

2.   But it also requires the expelled students to attend alternative schools established to handle behavioral problems.

3.   Mark Wise and his wife, Kendra, say the trust fund established to handle donations to help Robert has covered almost all of those expenses.

4.   Those charged under the new law will be tried not in regular court but in a special tribunal established to handle the cases, the government said.

v. + handle >>共 103
set_up 15.06%
use 10.46%
create 6.28%
build 4.18%
be 3.77%
do 3.77%
form 2.09%
upgrade 2.09%
have 1.67%
establish 1.67%
establish + v. >>共 215
help 6.59%
provide 3.30%
investigate 2.75%
protect 2.75%
try 2.75%
promote 2.56%
deal 2.56%
monitor 2.01%
follow 1.83%
allow 1.47%
handle 0.73%
每页显示:    共 4