1.   Household items allow the Junior magician to make an erupting volcano and camera obscura, hypnotise books and see water flow uphill.

2.   According to an Australian geologist, the canyons were formed by flows of gas, ash and rubble from erupting volcanoes.

3.   But before the Senate committee, Lindo changes into an erupting volcano of disgust and scorn for his handlers.

4.   By all accounts, few events in nature can match the awesome spectacle of an erupting volcano.

5.   For children bored with Barbie dolls and train sets, there is a simulated erupting volcano.

6.   His voice a booming bellow, his Shar-Pei features a quivering topographical map of indignation, Matthau is an erupting volcano of delightful lies.

7.   Just about anywhere else in the world, people flee from an erupting volcano.

8.   Monday also afforded the astronauts a rare opportunity to observe an erupting volcano in New Guinea from space.

9.   Next year, our screens are scheduled to be filled with malevolent storms, erupting volcanos and a new meteor attack.

10.   No erupting volcanos, no roaring tigers here.

a. + volcano >>共 155
active 20.24%
erupting 6.35%
extinct 5.18%
dormant 2.82%
rumbling 2.82%
ancient 1.88%
snow-capped 1.88%
underwater 1.88%
nearby 1.65%
major 1.65%
erupting + n. >>共 10
volcano 75.00%
alienation 2.78%
ash 2.78%
bubble 2.78%
heat 2.78%
lava 2.78%
mountain 2.78%
rocket 2.78%
storm 2.78%
week 2.78%
每页显示:    共 27