1.   That erm well two things.

2.   The erm type thing means what means little codes mean or does that give us any indication as to what these sites are?

3.   Nothing much, but oh look at the erm things with the brooches!

4.   Tell Betty how big that erm thing of Roses was in Woolworths.

5.   I wish the government could really tellingly er do down these dreadful lies and scandal erm scaremongering things that the Labour opposition is putting forward.

6.   It was so nice, it was like erm feather thing, feather, feather mattress.

7.   Can I borrow that erm football thing there?

8.   Right can we get these slips back about the erm presentations thing.

9.   Yeah well they were kind of after erm the erm thing.

10.   I had a really nice chicken erm Mexican pasta thing.

n. + thing >>共 916
way 10.74%
day 2.31%
guy 2.26%
time 1.76%
year 1.54%
vision 1.21%
do 1.10%
darndest 1.05%
week 0.94%
season 0.88%
erm 0.72%
erm + n. >>共 358
erm 3.32%
thing 2.88%
people 1.55%
tt 1.11%
do 1.11%
criterion 0.88%
area 0.88%
one 0.88%
car 0.66%
time 0.66%
每页显示:    共 13