1.   Is sclerosant injection manadatory after an epinephrine injection for arrest of peptic ulcer haemorrhage?

2.   Controversy still exists concerning the need of sclerosing agents injection after epinephrine injection.

3.   The purpose of this article is to evaluate is a pure alcohol injection is required after an epinephrine injection to arrest peptic ulcer haemorrhage.

4.   Pure alcohol injection after an epinephrine injection tended to decrease the rebleeding rate in our series.

5.   The rebleeding rate was high, however, and this could be decreased with pure alcohol injection after the epinephrine injection.

n. + injection >>共 122
capital 17.06%
cortisone 11.37%
cash 10.39%
insulin 9.22%
drug 3.14%
collagen 2.75%
epinephrine 2.75%
fund 1.76%
octreotide 1.76%
hormone 1.57%
epinephrine + n. >>共 3
injection 66.67%
group 28.57%
shot 4.76%
每页显示:    共 14